So I have set out fairly broad goals for this project and I think it would be worthwhile making a list of what I am working on, what I have done and what I am intending to do, in the short medium and long-term!
So here goes:
- Created an EMH character using JL Studios' model as a template
- Created a new Kessok Character named B'Ob T. Kessok (Thanks to Aces_High for that one!)
- Introduced the first hailing system (the EMH on a shuttle)
- Introduced the first complex hailing system - EMH has a menu, beams over and follows through a cut scene!
In Progress:
- Writing a tutorial on custom character creation and bridge menus - 10% complete
- Working on a fix that will end the need for separate character files for every bridge (very very provisional - the concept has been shown to work, but beyond that there are major problems which need to be overcome - 1% complete
- Planning the plot of the campaign - 5% complete
- Implementing the campaign - 0.1% complete
- Introduce a way to replace the stock characters with custom characters - again concept is proven by the original campaign, but requires work to fully implement
- Mutators/UMM integration because of the need to bypass Stock Files
- Introducing 3rd Party bridges
- Introducing 3rd Party ships
- Scripting the campaign (in terms of literature and coding)
- An "official" trailer video - i have been showing proofs of concept on YouTube and sharing the videos on BCFiles
So that's where I am at the minute! I'll attach a couple of the videos from YouTube to demonstrate some of the things that CO will be capable of!