Sunday, 11 December 2011

Side Project

As you may have noticed, during the course of writing Captains Orders, I've had a couple of side-projects which have emerged as a result!

Both of the most prevalent have been my overhaul of the Custom Bridges scripts - first the attempt to remove the necessity for separate character models!

I have recently made another discovery after a conversation with Tiqhud, which I will let speak for itself in this video:

So far, I haven't been able to make the head texture change (though I was able to when I put the head texture onto the body model - which is a funny video I will upload some time!)

Obviously this is still a work in progress, but I thought I would share it, as obviously it is something that I am quite excited about!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Preview No 1;120295

Hopefully by now you've seen this and have tried it for yourselves! It's a silly mod I admit, but I hope that you are struck less by what the mission asks you to do and more by your ability to do it!

The basics of what this preview shows off, are:

  • Adding new buttons to a Single Player Mission
  • Detaching a Menu from a character and still being able to use the menu
  • Attaching a new menu to a character who previously had a different menu
  • Hail Menus!
I would appreciate feedback, bad or good! Let me know what you think!

And of course - preview 1 will be followed by preview 2 in due course!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Update 5/12/2011

Apologies for the lack of meaningful updates to the this for what seems like ages! I have been tinkering with various things and tonight have completed what might be considered slightly groundbreaking, but I want to make very clear - isn't!!!

Basically, I'm giving the option to replace Saffi - with none other than the Emergency Command Hologram!

I had a longer video where it showed the ECH performing all of Saffi's functions (without sound I'm afraid - but that's just because I haven't made a TGL for them yet!) but there was a problem in the way he was sat in the chair (long story short, I wrote an animation function to move the chair - my first animation script!)

So that's what I have for now!


  • Created an EMH character using JL Studios' model as a template
  • Created a new Kessok Character named B'Ob T. Kessok (Thanks to Aces_High for that one!)
  • Introduced the first hailing system (the EMH on a shuttle)
  • Introduced the first complex hailing system - EMH has a menu, beams over and follows through a cut scene!
In Progress:
  • Writing a tutorial on custom character creation and bridge menus - 10% complete
  • Working on a fix that will end the need for separate character files for every bridge (very very provisional - the concept has been shown to work, but beyond that there are major problems which need to be overcome - 1% complete
  • Planning the plot of the campaign - 5% complete
  • Implementing the campaign - 0.1% complete
  • Introduce a way to replace the stock characters with custom characters - concept has been proven, first character replacement complete
  • Mutators/UMM integration because of the need to bypass Stock Files
  • Introducing 3rd Party bridges
  • Introducing 3rd Party ships
  • Scripting the campaign (in terms of literature and coding)
  • An "official" trailer video - i have been showing proofs of concept on YouTube and sharing the videos on BC-Central
  • Allow for removal of all characters from Bridge, in favour of "floating menus" - Inadvertantly caused this to happen earlier, concept is sound!