Friday 4 November 2011

JJBridge Commander

I love starting new things, because it's always the most exciting! Right now I have relatively empty scripts and they are just beginning to populate the world I'm creating!

So far I have put together most of the entrance sequence (though you may have noticed the set-back I suffered!) and am currently scripting the first star system - Yridia!

I decided that I wanted to make separate systems, for two reasons:

1) Because we'd already done the old systems in the first campaign and it's time for something new!

2) This way I can have everything laid out as I think it should be!

One of the things I always thought, was that there were always so many empty systems in the I am making a pledge that every system I create, every planet will either serve a purpose, or else will have something going on in the background for you to enjoy!

Anyway, a screenshot from Yridia 1, and I took it because I was struck by how JJTrek ripped off BC! Enjoy!

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