Saturday 5 November 2011

Saturday Update

Well todays update is to report on three things:

Yesterday I said about how the star systems would all have things going on in the background, I am happy to report that the Yridian System (comprising of 3 planets) now has that provisionally finished!

However there are still issues that have to be worked out, in particular:

A small problem with the shuttle's AI which needs correcting!

So what have I got done now?

Well I have:

  • Tweaked the Sovereign Hardpoint to include an Aft Phaser Bank (All playable and background ships will have their own CO Hardpoints, to prevent conflicts and uber-ships in personal installs interfering with the game!)
  • Set up the hailing code for the Space Station and written the template for the shuttles (only 1 shuttle completed so far!)
  • Populated the Yridia System
  • Created a basic AI for the shuttles (so far they just circle the station - the orbit clearly needs adjusting!)
  • Discovered that there is a problem with the "Walk from Turbo Lift to Tactical" animation on the Galaxy Bridge!
  • Sorted out a couple of other minor things and tested the ability to add buttons to the various characters' control panels!
Next on my list of things to do is finish the hailing protocols for the shuttles, then the other things in the Yridia System (I won't say what - no spoilers yet!).

After that it's AI Scripting, followed by beginning to put together the "opening banter" for the Prelude mission!

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